The Final Installment of the School Video Deep Dive Series
If you’re just tuning in now, welcome to our comprehensive guide to the ultimate school video marketing campaign. If you’ve been reading from the beginning, congratulations on making it through our entire School Video Deep Dive Series! While our previous blogs explained marketing videos for schools according to type, this blog provides an overview of how the different videos work together.
Whether you’re just beginning to explore video marketing for your school, or you’ve already begun producing assets, we recommend reading this guide to using school marketing videos in a campaign to improve enrollment.
Understanding School Video Marketing Funnels
Achieving a basic understanding of marketing funnels will help you better align your marketing assets with your goals. A marketing funnel is typically represented by a funnel-shaped diagram explaining how your marketing assets should work within your campaigns. This diagram is separated into a few sections, usually labeled awareness, interest, consideration, and intent.
At the top of the funnel, there is a “wide mouth” meant to catch as many prospects as possible. A marketer builds out “awareness” with marketing assets meant to capture attention and introduce prospects to the brand.
Further down the funnel, marketing assets offer niche resources directly related to the brand to narrow down the audience. As a result, the target audience becomes more refined as only truly interested prospects continue through the funnel while others exit.
Overall, your school’s video marketing funnel should capture attention and then slowly weed out prospects who do not fit your target audience. At the same time, these videos should convince prospective families to enroll by overcoming common objections and barriers.
Types of School Marketing Videos in the Funnel
Now, let’s talk about how each school marketing video type fits into that funnel. Different types of school marketing videos naturally lend themselves to certain sections of your video marketing funnel, starting with awareness and following through the stage of intent.
To begin, your general admissions video should be the first video marketing asset introducing prospects to your school. This video captures the attention of prospective families looking for a new institution and offers a general overview of the school and what your school’s value proposition is.
Once prospective families decide to learn more, they enter the stage of consideration. Here, we recommend providing more detailed information combined with emotional content about your school.
Here’s a brief recap of the types of school marketing videos that can help move prospects further down the funnel:
Student-parent experience videos are testimonial videos from real families with compelling stories about their experience with the school. These videos are inspirational and highlight the school’s success, focusing on the institution’s core mission and values.
Program and curriculum videos specifically target prospective families according to their intracurricular and extracurricular interests. You can choose to have a few videos, each one focusing on a facet of the academic curriculum, athletic programs, and other activities. Your faculty are also given the opportunity to shine, and interested students can “meet” the teachers they’ll encounter once enrolled.
Finally, prospective families still in the funnel will enter the stage of intent, looking for detailed information about enrollment and the logistics of attending your school. Questions about applications, tuition, and transportation should be answered in barrier videos. Here, offer solutions to any objections prospective families might have.
How Do I Use School Marketing Videos?
Once you’ve successfully produced all your school’s video marketing assets, you’ll need to distribute them to your target audience. Your marketing funnel should inform how you use each type of video on your social media feeds, website, emails, and more.
When it comes to the awareness stage, where your prospects discover you, you should focus on distributing your general admissions video through social media and on the homepage of your website. More detailed videos, such as your testimonials and curriculum videos, should be embedded in specific pages of your site and distributed to leads, such as through email marketing. Barrier videos should appear on the informational pages of your site, such as your tuition assistance page, and should be provided to prospective families who have inquired about a visit and ultimately enrollment.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule of marketing engagement, and you should strive to be creative with your video marketing strategy!
If you’re looking for further professional guidance, whether to produce your school marketing videos or to learn more about how to build your marketing funnel, contact Monzo Media Productions today.