If a video is created and nobody sees it, what was the point of producing it? If you have insight into your marketing funnel, you’ll be able to refine your messaging, be more efficient with your online advertising, attract more prospects, and increase overall interaction with your video.
The image you see above is a fairly basic flowchart that I built on Creately. The goal of using charts like this is to understand how the marketing funnel works in relation to your video marketing strategy. For today we are going to keep it simple. If you haven’t checked out the last blog on the 3 most important videos to have, check that out HERE. These videos will help give you some context to the flow chart.
Like any other marketing strategy, you need to understand where your audience is online. Sometimes you might think you know, but the data tells you something different.
For this example, we start with the red boxes for the promo video coming from Facebook ads, Instagram Ads, and Youtube Ads. The job of these types of videos is to catch the viewer’s attention and get them interested in learning more about your organization. Engagement will determine if they move onto the next step. Engagement can be video views, likes, comments, shares, saves, etc., on that post. If the viewer does not engage, more often than not, they will not be interested or targeted again. If they engage, they have a few options; They can click on the Call to Action or CTA, which would take them to their website or landing page or not take action. If they do not take action, they will primarily be targeted with the same ad at either the same platform or a different platform, and that’s okay. It’s possible they just weren’t ready to learn more, or they were preoccupied with something else (let’s face it we all spend too much time on social media when we shouldn’t right?). This is where retargeting comes in and is super powerful. It often takes anywhere from 6-12 touches to get a customer so having these retargeting methods is crucial.
If they do engage with the video and they do click on the CTA to the website or landing page, this is where your main branding video and testimonial video(s) kick in. The viewer will now be able to dive deeper into your brand, learn the core offerings, and make you unique and different with the branding video. The testimonial videos will be able to provide authentic experiences and results from a variety of different customers/clients/families.
At this point, if they do not convert (lead form, purchase, whatever the next CTA is online), they can still get ads from your organization. Again it might just mean it’s not the right time, and they are looking at other options, etc. It is not necessarily a loss. With them still being targeted from ads, you can use the promo video again (as we have here) or use a new video (perhaps another testimonial) to help showcase that value.
If they convert on the website, then great! Assuming you have a social pixel/google analytics, you can use the data to help hone in on your initial audiences and create duplicates of that audience for targeting. This will help with several things, such as the messaging on your copy, lowering your cost per click and cost per lead, and getting a better sense of who online is responding to your message.