At Monzo Media Productions, we proudly serve private schools, nonprofits, and businesses by turning them into effective storytellers through video marketing campaigns. We’ve been specifically honing in on these three verticals, and it has been interesting to see how each type of organization has taken advantage of video as a tool and tackled its video marketing efforts.
While each vertical typically chooses to utilize video for similar reasons, the way these organizations choose to go about their efforts can be strikingly different. I believe that each vertical can improve its campaigns by studying how others approach video marketing, so I wanted to provide my take on some lessons to be learned.
Video Marketing is a Long-Term Strategy
Of course, every organization is unique, so sweeping generalizations only get you so far. In my experience, however, I’ve found that nonprofits and schools have valued video strategy long-term. These organizations don’t stop at one video – for instance, I’ve seen corporate companies try to use their branding video as their recruiting video – nonprofits and schools have taken advantage of a compelling strategy through the use of separating those types of videos that way it matches the target audience more effectively. Each one might tell a different story or use bits and pieces of the whole story. Further, these organizations typically produce videos year after year, not once every couple of years. Consistently approaching video marketing with new videos means always having fresh content that is relevant and accurately represents the brand.
Don’t Just Post Online and Call It Quits
The other side to that long-term strategy is that organizations change over time. There are always new stories to tell, and there are always new ways that video marketing funnels can be utilized. As new channels and avenues arise, nonprofits and schools continue to adapt and take advantage of every way to reach their audience.
This reality means that you aren’t done with a video once you post it online, either. Getting the most out of your video marketing efforts means sharing it with your audience through every possible channel. Nonprofits and schools do an amazing job at using various marketing tactics beyond sticking to one video hosting platform or website. Maybe they feel they have to get the most out of their often-small budgets, but I’ve seen them repurpose their videos for everything from ads to in-person events like fundraisers (as long as it makes sense to the target audience).
Videos Tell Stories and Humanize Brands
Nonprofits and schools are typically connected more authentically with their communities and audiences because of their nature and mission. For example, they might exist to educate about certain dangers, help children, or assist those in need, and these goals translate well into video content. This authentic human connection flows naturally through their messaging, and video marketing serves them very well by further humanizing their brand.
These organizations do a great job of understanding the power of storytelling through video for these reasons. Some of my school clients have built powerful school marketing campaigns with strong storytelling and smart branding. If there’s anything I believe defines video marketing best, I say it’s storytelling. Corporate organizations can learn from this by reframing their video marketing strategies with this lens.
Learn From Others to Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy
Every organization is different, but these observations are general trends I’ve seen when working with nonprofits and schools on their video marketing campaigns. Approaching video marketing as a long-term strategy of storytelling and humanizing your brand, in addition to utilizing every avenue of outreach to squeeze the most value out of your videos, are key strategies for the best return on investment.
Corporate companies can learn from these nonprofits and schools to better take advantage of their video marketing efforts. On the flip side, nonprofits and schools can also learn from the way corporate organizations approach video marketing, which I’ve outlined in my pervious blog: What My Nonprofit and School Clients Can Learn From My Corporate Clients.
If you’d like to learn more about the best video marketing strategies, contact Monzo Media Productions.